number | 14 | The Monster ID | |
side | DARKSIDE | The side of Xeen it appears on | |
name | Energy Dragon | Monster's Name | |
experience | 2000000 | Party experience when defeating it | |
hp | 5000 | Monster's max HP | |
acc | 100 | Monster's armor class (physical defence) | |
speed | 250 | Monster's attack speed (determines order per round) | |
numberOfAttacks | 1 | Number of attacks monster gets per round | |
hatesClass | ALL | Class/race to attack first (ALL=attack entire party at once) | |
strikes | 1000 | The 'X' in the XdY equation | |
dmgPerStrike | 1 | The 'Y' in the XdY equation | |
attackType | Energy | Element type of attack | |
specialAttack | None | Special effects caused by attack | |
hitChance | 1 | Base probability of attack landing | |
rangeAttack | True | Can attack at a distance | |
monsterType | Dragon | Certain monster types are affected differently by some spells | |
res_fire | 80 | Resistance to fire based attacks | |
res_elec | 80 | Resistance to electricity based attacks | |
res_cold | 60 | Resistance to cold based attacks | |
res_poison | 100 | Resistance to poison based attacks | |
res_energy | 100 | Resistance to energy based attacks | |
res_magic | 30 | Resistance to magic based attacks | |
res_physical | 50 | Resistance to physical attacks | |
field_29 | 0 | unknown! Doesn't seem to be used anywhere | |
gold | 0 | Gold dropped by monster | |
gems | 20 | Gems dropped by monster | |
itemDrop | 0 | probability that monster drops an item | |
flying | False | Boolean value: monster flies or it doesn't | |
imageNumber | 13 | Sprite ID (xxx.MON and xxx.ATK files) | |
loopAnimation | False | Frames either increment and loop, or bounce start to end and back | |
animationEffect | 7 | Special effects | |
idleSound | 140 | Effect number played by PlayFX every 5 seconds | |
attackVoc | begger | xxx.VOC file played when monster attacks |