Xeen Wiki

Should this page and http://xeen.wikia.com/wiki/CharacterStruct be merged?

Yes, they should. Good catch. The CharacterStructure file looks better formatted. I'll get to the mergering later this week. --WizardStan 15:09, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

Is there any information on the XeenItem structure? All I see is that it is four bytes large, but not what those bytes mean.

HiPhish (talk) 15:20, May 28, 2015 (UTC)

Hi HiPhish, from memory, three of the four bytes are:

If I get a chance to dig something more concrete up I'll add it to the wiki.


Geekrocket (talk) 04:02, May 29, 2015 (UTC)

I see, that's one byte for the ID and one byte for the status. That means the material, elemental enchantment, statistic enhancement and weapon suffix must be stored in two bytes. Looking at the hex values it appears the first three can be merged into one byte and the last one in another byte. That's four bytes in total. Thanks for the information, now we just need to know the order.

HiPhish (talk) 08:35, May 29, 2015 (UTC)

This may be helpful. For a while I've been working on a re-implementation of World of Xeen using the ScummVM framework, based on WizardStan's disassembly of the game. See Github Branch and My Blog . Work on it's been on hiatus for several months whilst I work on a time-sensensitive project for the main ScummVM group. However, it's mostly complete, and may prove useful in understanding the game's data structures, since it already has proper loading for the different data the game uses.

TheRealDreamMaster (talk) 17:58, June 3, 2015 (UTC)